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Why is integrated digital marketing so important today?

Why is integrated digital marketing  Today, some companies use only a social media profile to stay connected with their customers. While others use more complex resources, such as SEO, to promote their business.

Some other tools – such as Search Engine, Email Marketing and Content Marketing – are also increasingly being explored by companies around the world and in the most diverse industries.

Each of these tools is powerful in its own

Way and has many advantages. But the best way to do this effectively is to invest in an integrated digital marketing strategy.

Because it allows your marketing team or agency to use all of these tools in combination, it is possible to generate more solid opportunities to increase your reach to its maximum potential.

A combination of all these tools creates a synergy and has

The ability to make your consumer Why is integrated digital marketing  base grow exponentially.

Nowadays, each tool can attract a healthy number of potential customers. But integrated digital marketing creates a “snowball” effect. This way, your business can grow faster.

Important Facts That Increase the cambodia telegram data Need for Integrated Digital Marketing
An integrated approach helps your company understand whether your message, communicated across different channels, serves the purpose of engaging your audience. The process starts with the following points:

Explore different channels :

A coordinated digital plan helps you connecting your own channel using the visitor api explore the importance of specific strategies, such as SEO, email marketing, content, paid ads , and social media, from a broader perspective;
Select the right channels : When your company sees the whole picture more clearly, it becomes easier to invest time, money and effort in channels that generate maximum output.
But even with all these benefits, integrated digital marketing is still under-exploited. Econsultancy ’s multichannel marketing report found that Why is integrated digital marketing  only 5% of organizations believe they are utilizing the full potential of integrated cross-channel marketing activities.

Integrated digital marketing numbers

Some companies even explore the resources of integrated digital marketing – but in less than strategic ways:

A Marketo study revealed that many organizations changsha mobile phone number list focus on an average of six different channels to engage customers.
But consumers only use two channels to create a connection with brands. While potential business customers use four channels to do the same.

Another study by Econsultancy found that

Some companies do not pay enough attention to measuring data across channels.
About 51% of client-side participants did not have a metrics system in place across different online channels.
As a result, 75% of customer-facing respondents and 84% of marketer respondents believe that sales/revenue is an effective metric for cross-channel marketing efforts.
Marketing strategies can slowly die in total failure. This is due to a lack of coordination between research, email marketing, paid campaigns, and sales.

It is precisely the aggregation of different

Channels that leads to exponential business growth.

Integration with content marketing
Recent data has shown the power of blogging in an integrated digital marketing strategy. Companies that published more than 16 articles per month on their corporate blogs received almost 3.5 times more traffic.

This is especially true when compared to

Those that published between zero and four posts per month.

So let’s say a company starts working on their content plan after getting access to this data. They will put all their effort into finding their industry-specific keywords for website optimization.

But while consistent effort can increase traffic from.


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