A tripwire is an inexpensive product that helps a person decide on their first purchase. Due to the fact that its cost is symbolic, the client makes a decision quickly and most often impulsively.
The main task of the tripwire is to overcome the buyer’s fear of purchasing a product or service, to introduce him to the quality and service. The person begins to trust the company, and the likelihood of purchasing the main product increases.
The word tripwire is translatd as “stretch” or “trap”
It provides “easy entry” for the client and moves fusion database him to the next step of the sales funnel, smoothly leading to the main purchase.
Here are some tripwire examples from different areas of business:
- Online cinema – monthly subscription for 1 ruble.
- Web studio – development of a promo page for 30% of the cost for new clients.
- Online school – popular course at half price.
- Beauty salon – everyday styling for 300 rubles.
- Clothing store – a stand with big discounts near the entrance.
- Luxury cosmetics – sample set with 90% discount.
This tool is very often usd in e-commerce
Online services and infobusiness. Offline, tripwire is twitch for business: how to make the most of this channel used primarily in the service sector and sometimes in sales.
- Potential buyers who left their contacts are interestd in new knowledge. Now the school can send them an email with an inexpensive offer with a tripwire. This could be, for example, an introductory course on marketing with a 90% discount.
- Customers who have purchasd and use the tripwire are already familiar with the quality of the product and are convinced of its value. The company can offer them the basic training course at full price. The likelihood of purchasing it is much higher than before.
After buying a tripwire, it is much easier for a person to cyprus business directory decide to purchase the main product. From a neuromarketing perspective, this can be explained as follows: our brain always strives to reduce risks. If they are high, the client will take a long time to make a decision – weighing all the pros and cons. And if the price of the issue is small, then it is easier to make a choice.