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What is an online community?

You want a strong community for your brand, but how do you start it? In this article, I share the practical key points, such as the functions of a community for your brand, give tips, share examples of successful communities and discuss superfans, KPIs and the different platforms for customer communities.

A successful brand has to be earn

We know that word of mouth is the best advertising, but we keep forgetting it. The words of a friend  france telegram data are worth more than the words of a brand, but we don’t see this reflect in our marketing and sales investments either. If we were to put your brand’s online mia in the following diagram, where did you put your euros?

Paid, own, earn content, Jeroen Heydendael
on the vertical axis the effect that the mium -or content- has on the recipient, on the horizontal axis the influence that you as a marketer have on this.

Earn content is usually still us to a limit extent

Traditionally, the largest budget is spent on Paid and Own content . These are just as important, but the three must be in balance. Online customer communities are an important pillar in Earn content and of the conversation company as Steven van Belleghem describes it. An online community makes the conversation with your (potential) customer possible.

I understand an online community as the people, the conversations and the various type What is an online  rat with your website or a specially built community platform.

A community is not new, but community platforms are now more integrat into various mia and more easily accessible. People understand how they work and find it a fun way to interact with a brand. The revolution lies in the combination of these aspects: this is jiangsu mobile phone number list the moment when you can really use a community successfully for your brand.

Why a community?

Because you want to bind customers to you! You already knew that, but binding traditionally  . A which professional email address should you choose?  our advice for a wise selection What is an  means: selling something. Whether it’s electricity, MBs or shoes. You see that more and more.

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