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4 Types of Streamers You Should Know for Your Twitch Influencer Marketing Collaborations

Now that you know how to make the most of Twitch’s benefits for businesses , we want to tell you more about your future collaborators. Currently, there are various types of streamers with whom you can start your influencer marketing campaigns on Twitch . All products and services have a place on this platform. Don’t worry, it’s almost certain that your brand will match with more than one influencer.

The key is to choose the right category for your business . This means finding the streamer with the perfect community for your brand. Keep in mind that the target audience of that influencer will be the one that your products and services will reach.

Let’s take a look at the 4 types of Twitch streamers that are changing the game right now. When you read each description, think about your business. Ask yourself questions like: would this be the right category for our products or services? Could we make cohesive content together? This israel phone number list will help you find the right fit for your business.type of influencersuitable for your brand.


Video games: variety streamers and Twitch pros

If you’re a gaming brand, you’ll have access to the largest pool of Twitch streamers. In this category, we find two types of gaming streamers: variety streamers and pro streamers.

As the name suggests, variety streamers broadcast different types of game streams . These can be different games or different categories of games. For example, a variety streamer might broadcast Fortnite and Sims content. These hosts offer analysis of the games they stream, the rise of influencer marketing in business share valuable tips, and form connections with fans of the games.

On the other hand, pro Twitch streamers , also known as Poggers, do much the same thing, but they focus exclusively on one game. They promote themselves as experts and attract audiences thanks to the particular skills and enthusiasm they share about the game.

Twitch Streamers Just Chatting

Twitch “just chatting” streamers are an increasingly popular category on the platform. They present themselves as community hosts and try to entertain their audience constantly. 

These streamers talk about a variety of categories. They include cooking, funny videos, music, and sports, among others. Their ultimate goal is to meet new people and create communities of users who have things in common. This makes them very effective for influencer marketing , as long as you choose a streamer who promotes a topic related to your brand.

Host Twitch streamers

Twitch host streamers are similar to “just chatting” streamers, in that their goal is to entertain their audience with constant conversation. However, these types of streamers act more like a host of a show or podcast. They promote organized talks and share their opinions on their favorite topics. They have a clear vision of what captivates their audience, which means they are best suited for relevant niche brands.

Twitch Art Streamers

Twitch Influence The last type of streamer is causing a stir on Twitch these days. They are art-related streamers who share live streams about anything related to this field. Including painting, illustration, graphic design, sculpture, knitting, and digital art. They are very creative and passionate , whatsapp number in fact, the most popular Twitch streamers in this category have established themselves as experts in their field . All of this makes them the ideal people to promote creative brands that work in these industries.

Top Influencers: Top Twitch Streamers

The Spanish-speaking world has very successful influencers with a large number of followers. These creators have managed to expand their personal brand even beyond the platform. Most of them have profiles onother networks like TikTokand YouTube. However, it is true that this list of top Twitch streamers is focused on the gamer world . This category continues to be the most prominent within the platform.

Ibai Llanos – Spain

An influencer who, without a doubt, has a unique ability to entertain and communicate.IbaiHe has amassed over 15.6 million followers on Twitch . His content ranges from sporting event broadcasts to casual chats, making him one of the most versatile streamers on the platform.

Nissaxter (Cristina) – Spain

NissaxterShe has managed to stand out in the Twitch community with 786,009 followers. Her genuine and spontaneous connection with her audience positions her as an up-and-coming influencer. She specializes in streaming League of Legends (LoL) games .A

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