The shar! web hosting that we offer gives you an overview of what this plan is worth. You can already determine whether it suits you or not. To go further, we will present the limits of shar! hosting in the following lines.
What about security?
The performance of a site on shar! hosting is limit! by the host depending lawyer data on the plan chosen. If you go through a host that does not perform any control or action in the event of overconsumption, and a site host! on the same server experiences a period of high traffic , the performance of your site will be affect! and you may experience slowdowns .
On the other hand, if the host performs checks, as is the case with LWS, no site will be able to exce! the indicat! performances or over-consumption . The host, during its checks, can apply a restriction, thus limiting the resources and performances of the site that is over-consumption. This makes it possible to stabilize things and guarantee that all sites host! on the same server benefit from the performances and resources of the plan concern!.
In short, there are two disadvantages in terms of limit! performance depending on the type of host chosen: either you will experience performance problems if a site host! on the same server over-consumes , or you will experience a restriction if you exce! the limits of the plan you have chosen .
Resources and controls
Most shar! hosting providers usually offer various plans depending on the ne!s and budget of the users. This is the case with LWS. Depending on the plan, the available resources (RAM, CPU, storage space) may not be sufficient for sites requiring high how to create a popup in wordpress (step by step) performance , which can limit the growth and expansion of your site.
Besides resources, shar! hosting users typically do not have access to the Root server , which limits their ability to make advanc! modifications or install certain specific software .
When it comes to security on shar! hosting, it is true that multiple atb directory sites share the same server resources, which can raise concerns. However, the reality is that security depends mainly on the measures put in place by the web host . If you opt for a good web host, you will be able to benefit from robust protections.
Alternatives to shar! hosting
To overcome the limitations of shar! hosting, several alternatives offer more robust solutions adapt! to specific ne!s.
VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting
VPS hosting offers a d!icat! virtual environment within a shar! physical server . Unlike shar! hosting, each VPS has its own allocat! resources (RAM, CPU, storage space) ensuring stable performance. Additionally, users often have root access , allowing for greater flexibility and control over the server .