Offering a text as an MP3 audio file is still relatively new and attention-grabbing in B2B media. The format works particularly well in online media. Podcast interview podcasts and radio. But audio files can also be referenced in print. The advantage for mobile users: They can consume the content on the go at any time, on their smartphone, tablet or notebook – even at the wheel of their company car. Specialist media podcasts can also be used very well to position your own company representatives as experts. Especially since interviews in such podcasts. Podcast interview which are now offered by everything from FAZ to t3n, are particularly popular formats. Such audio content is not only gaining more and more listeners, podcasts are now SEO-relevant: Google has integrated podcasts into its organic search results pages (SERPS), often including a play button for direct playback of the audio files.
Top Trend 2: Video
More and more people are watching videos rcs database online. According to Statista data, the number of Germans who at least occasionally consume online video content rose from 57 percent in 2013 to 75 percent in 2018. Internet users are therefore becoming more and more video-savvy, with social media channels contributing to this as well as the growing number of video streaming services. What is in demand in the context of B2B communication. Podcast interview however, are useful videos – mere image films and product commercials are taboo.
Nevertheless, video-based PR formats with real information and useful value have so far only been used sporadically. There are attractive options here, such as the video press release. Podcast interview which consists of a short teaser text and a more learn what smart content is and what its impact is on content marketing strategies detailed video. This video often contains statements or interviews – for example from experts at a specialist conference. Video-supported technical or user reports have also been treated rather poorly in the B2B sector. Here, the accompanying video can again contain statements or in-depth specialist presentations.
Videos for better SEO ranking
The video format is very popular with journalists when their online portal offers the technical possibility of running the videos in an integrated frame . Without the medium losing its visitors to YouTube. Good, informative videos not only offer users of specialist media something new. But also provide emotionality.
They are attractive infotainment that is a welcome colombia business directory change for editorial teams and their media users. Publishing a PR information with a matching video also increases the findability of the medium and improves the . SEO ranking of the specific publication. Both benefit from this increased SEO relevance: the publishing specialist medium and the informing company.
In addition, combined press releases made up of text and video are predestined to be drawn to attention via social media channels. Video-supported PR formats work not only in online media, but also in print media. There, the video can be quickly accessed using a smartphone and a scanned QR code. Alternatively – and somewhat more complex – an augmented reality app can be used to bring the video from the specialist magazine to life.