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Learn how a quiz generated 1000 leads in one day

If you have been following the latest trends in Marketing, you have surely noticed that the use of Quiz

has become popular.

After years of being looked down upon, we have finally realized that this type of content (which has

been around for a long time) can be an ideal tool for generating engagement with the audience.

A key example of this is Buzzfeed, which attracts thousands and thousands of people daily to its

website with the help of its fun Quizzes.

Who hasn’t spent a few minutes of their life trying to figure out which character from the series

Friends matches their personality or let the website guess their age based on a bunch of random

answers? I’m not proud to say that I have.

The point is that Buzzfeed’s fame has opened the eyes of Content Marketing professionals and has

made it possible to start using Quizzes in companies.

But don’t worry, you’re kidding yourself if you think that just picking one aspect of pop culture and

creating a fun quiz will get visitors to interact with your blog!

In the end, these fun quizzes serve their purpose as entertainment vehicles, but it’s very different

when you’re in a business and need to reach a lead goal .

You need to create a Quiz that generates real value for your buyer persona and causes positive

results in numbers in your company , right?

A Quiz can:

  • attract more visitors to your blog;
  • increase the reach of your social networks;
  • create engagement with your audience through differentiated content;
  • generate contacts, leads, and much more!

To help you, in this content, we are going to tell you how a single Quiz generated more than 1,000 leads on the first day within the Rock Content Blog , Portuguese version, and our freelancer acquisition platform.

And of course, teach you how to do the same, because ebooks are not the only lead generation strategy, right?

Choose a tool

There are several tool options you taiwan telegram data can use to create your quizzes.

One of them is Outgrow, a tool for calculators and quizzes that we have already tested.

It’s a bit limited in its basic plans, especially with regards to template customization and logic jumping (conditional questions, which are only visible if you’ve already given a specific answer before), but it’s very intuitive.

We recommend it to anyone who wants to try out the Strategy Quizzes as quickly as possible without much work, because it already has several Quizzes ready for you to adapt. The tool is paid, but you can try it for seven days for free to see how it works for you.

If you have a WordPress blog and want to make a Buzzfeed-like Quiz, you can use the  Wp Viral Quiz plugin .

Its data collection is not that great, but the template is very dynamic. The only real difficulty in working with it is doing everything within WordPress.

But truth be told, our favorite here at Rock Content is Typeform.

Typeform  is a specialized platform for creating online quizzes. We used it in the Freelancer Career Quiz , a while ago, for our Portuguese blog.


It offers many types of quizzes, a wide variety of really attractive templates, real-time reports and is highly customizable. Plus, it has a free version.

Find your question

Once you have chosen the tool, the next the most striking feature step in creating a Quiz is to define what question you want to answer with it.

In general, we ask questions because we want to understand our reality. With the answers obtained, we interpret situations and reach conclusions about ourselves.

We ask questions all the time. And we like quizzes because they can help us find these answers.

So, the key to creating a good Marketing Quiz is to identify  the question that your buyer persona most identifies with and this will help them better see their reality .

In the case of our Community, a large part of our audience is flirting with the freelance life and the freedom that it brings, but they are afraid of not adapting.

When our Freelancer Career Quiz asks, “Is a freelance career really for you?”, we’re helping you answer the question that comes with our personality:  am I really capable of running my career on my own?

capa quiz career as a freelancer

On the other hand, there are other types of Quizzes that touch on a vital point for the Rock audience:  Am I doing Content Marketing correctly?

Define the type of Quiz

There are two types of Quizzes: personality cmb directory and knowledge.

Personality Quizzes focus  on the personal aspects of the audience and are used to identify interests, characteristics, and group people with similar profiles. For example:

  • Who are you in Game of Thrones?
  • Which Spotify playlist is right for your weekend freelas?

Knowledge Quizzes test   audience understanding of specific topics and are very useful for gathering insights into market education. For example:

  • How much do you understand about personal finance?
  • Test your content marketing knowledge with our amazing quiz.

In our case, the Freelancer Career Quiz is a personality quiz because it answers a personal question. It analyses the interests of the respondents and classifies them into groups of super freelancers, potential freelancers or people with a profile to be freelancers.

With this question clearly answered in your mind, choosing the type of quiz should be an easy task: will you help your buyer persona with a personal question, perfect for a Personality Quiz? Or a practice one that is easy to answer with a Knowledge Quiz?

Choose the title of the Quiz

The title of the quiz is responsible for generating interest and convincing your buyer persona that this content will answer their question.

The most common Quiz titles are:

  • Do you really [  understand / know / have ]…?
  • Who are you on…?
  • Find out which [  famous person/character/movie ] you are…!

Keep in mind that while the pattern is generic, there are words that act as triggers, giving it the tone of urgency and curiosity that good copy needs:

  • Really … ? The “really” makes the person doubt for a moment about the things they are sure of, and convinces them to take the quiz as a reaffirming force.
  • Who are you in ? “Who are you in” gives the question an almost existential weight and encourages the person to take the questionnaire as a tool of self-knowledge.
  • Find out what… The “find out” arouses curiosity by showing that there is something that the person does not yet know, but can now find out if they take the quiz.

Because we know the formula works, we called our Freelancer Career Quiz “Is Freelancing Really For You?”

But you don’t have to follow the pattern exactly! Take your  copywriting skills  out of the drawer and create a title that works for you.

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