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Facebook profile regularly with meaningful and attractive

If you own a plumbing business, filling your  posts was at least very challenging, but not impossible! If you are creative and have good ideas, you can use Facebook to reach a wide group of interested parties. On the contrary, you work as a designer and artist, a Facebook and Instagram profile seems to be one of the most effective forms of presentation. Because your work is based on visuals, new ideas, originality of products, and customers could also be interested in things such as the work process. The creative process… Therefore, making yourself known through photos on social networks could be of great importance in terms of attracting new customers.

Links to articles

Don’t just pester your readers with constant incentives to buy, your Facebook profile should also offer some added value.  So try to offer them this. The subsequent purchase of a product or service will only be the next effect.

Many companies, e-shops and businesses ios database maintain blogs about products, services or generally about the lifestyle associated with the range they offer. They then regularly post links to their posts on their Facebook profile, and this strategy has countless advantages.

On the one hand, it is likely that someone interested in an engaging article will become your paying customer after visiting your website. On the other hand, regular publicity serves for remarketing and PR . Or maintaining relationships with existing customers, who are regularly reminded of our products or services through articles.

Examples of blogs we maintain include:

  • A hairdressing and beauty salon that regularly publishes the latest trends in hairstyles on its blog, informs about the process, benefits and effects of the services offered and tries to advise customers if these services are right whatsapp number for them, or offers another alternative, advises customers on the choice of skin and hair care products…
  • An e-shop with healthy food dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, publishing articles such as “How to reduce your white sugar intake”, “10 rules for a New Year’s diet” or “How to properly prepare green tea”, not only provides useful advice and tips on preparing and consuming the products that customers purchase here, but also motivates new website visitors to purchase them.

In short – be creative and “feed” your company profile with interesting content regularly.

Visual content on Instagram

As for Instagram , which is a social network based primarily on images and photographs (text is secondary here). Corporate communication towards customers is carried out similarly.

Instagram profiles that collect followers are a the spring vegetation in 2024 popular marketing tool.

You need to build your business promotion on Instagram primarily on the visual side of things. You need to stock your profile with impressive, ideally professional photos, and not rely on your followers finding you on their own.

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