Companies can build their data stories with from a wide variety of sources . Although the company’s own database of market . Analyses and business reports can also be supplemented with a wide variety of external sources, from Statista to behind the data Google Trends to GovData.
The extent to which data is accessible and available depends on the company’s own structure and size. It will often make sense to involve your own controlling department, management assistants or other departments in the company. Your own online shop may provide interesting insights, as does social listening – observing trends in social media. Which stories are possible based on the is determined based on its evaluation. To identify stories, you can either first formulate a hypothesis to be tested or proceed in a more exploratory and thus open-ended manner. Identifying the worthwhile story behind the is usually the biggest challenge in data PR. Modern technologies such as AI and machine learning can help with this.
Data PR meets data journalism
As important as it is to provide self employed database journalists and their readers with , figures and facts, it is also essential not to get lost in boring columns behind the data of numbers. It is often most effective to present the findings from the data how to execute a trade marketing plan? visually. Visual messages are more attention-grabbing. They are generally better received, processed and remembered. Infographics can therefore certainly have an entertaining character or even invite interaction. Digitally animated maps, for example, are a good way to present statistical with a geographical reference in an attractive way. Whether animated diagrams, heat maps or self-running presentations – digital media are often grateful recipients of this material. From the dpa to Der Spiegel to Bayerischer Rundfunk, many media houses already have dedicated editors. Data journalism and PR are two sides of the same digitization coin.
Whether podcasts, explanatory videos or interactive infographics: the new tools are also finding their way into B2B communication. Not every new tool colombia business directory is suitable for every communication goal. The options for conveying your own know-how and behind the strengthening your own reputation are increasing. It is therefore worth taking a close look at the new possibilities. Data PR could have a particularly lasting impact. Because it is not just new forms of media preparation that play a role here – data-driven stories open up a previously rarely used spectrum of relevant and potentially attention-grabbing content.