Of course, your quiz questions will depend solely on the topic you are covering and the answers you want to get, but there are some good practices for creating them:
- Be personal: Even if it’s a business quiz, there’s a human on the other end of the quiz. People like to interact with people, not machines.
- Keep it short: Reading should be quick and intuitive. If the respondent needs to reread a question, it is because it is poorly written.
- Explain: Clarify all the concepts and exactly what the person should do at each step. Uncertainties force the visitor to leave the page, thus abandoning the Quiz.
- Insert images: A text-only quiz becomes tiring to look at. Include gifs and photos that go with the text, enriching the quiz.
- Incentivize: Post motivational messages throughout the Quiz. Positive reinforcement encourages visitors to make it to the end;
- Varies: Multiple choice questions include yes/no, picture selection, and open-ended questions;
- Focus on objectivity: never ask more than necessary.
Optimize the conversion journey
It’s time to organize the questions you’ve thailand telegram data created so that the sequence makes sense. Ready?
The first step in creating a logical sequence is to identify groups of problems with similar themes.
Some examples of these groups are:
- Demographic questions: age, gender, region, education.
- Behavior: personal tastes, habits, preferences.
- Opinions: what you think, you agree with.
- Classifiers: 0 to 10, good or bad, too much or too little.
Ideally, demographic questions should be the first thing on your Quiz. This is because we are so used to answering them that it becomes an automatic action. In other words, we answer the Quiz without realizing it.
Leave opinion and ranking questions until the end, as they require a lot of thought from respondents.
If you start with short questions, by the time you get to the complex questions, the respondent has already gone too far to give up and chooses to end it.
For the same reason, ask for the email in the last question, as the last step the participant must take to know their result.
If you want to collect other information from your lead, other than email, don’t wait until the end.
Leave them spread out throughout the Quiz so it doesn’t feel like it’s filling up a landing page. This will surely optimize your conversion!
In the case of the Freelancer Career Quiz, we needed name, email, and education. We asked for the name at the beginning of the quiz and used the information to make the education question more natural.
Finally, when your Quiz is fully assembled, pass it out to your colleagues to evaluate by answering in many different ways .
Some details will escape you and most of the time they will be things that people will only notice when taking the Quiz.
It is best to perform this process on tests and make any necessary corrections before releasing the quiz, as many questions cannot be edited after the quiz is published.
And remember to look at the response time. A good questionnaire takes between 2 and 3 minutes to complete. Any more than that and it becomes tiring for the participant.
Email sent after conversion
Each quiz collects data from respondents. Typeform, for those that merely copy and paste example, collects respondent information in a spreadsheet that is available for download at any time.
Most professionals I know schedule a day every month or week to export these leads to their automation tool.
The point is, if you wait too long, you’ll have missed the moment of first contact . Then, chances are your leads won’t even remember taking your Quiz when they receive the welcome email.
Therefore, automating post-conversion to make the first contact as quickly as possible is essential.
When managing the Rock Content Community base, we use RD Station, so we integrated Typeform with RD Station so that leads are sent to our base immediately after conversion.
This integration was done through Zapier , a platform that connects tools we affectionately call Marketing Messenger.
A good post-conversion tip for Quizzes is not to set a single conversion event for the entire Quiz, but rather a conversion event for each possible outcome .
This allows you to create segments of leads with similar profiles and use this information as triggers for nurturing flows.
The Freelancer Career Quiz, for example, has three possible outcomes:
- Super freelancer;
- Potential freelancer;
- and a person without the profile to be a freelancer.
Each result is a conversion event and also an integration that we created in Zapier to send the Quiz result to RD.
To create different integrations for the same quiz, simply configure Zapier to pull the same Typeform score in the filter step:
Zapier Setup
In this integration, these are the people who obtained the A result of the Freelancer Career Quiz (more than 79 points).
Then, I created a specific event in the RD Station template editing step:
The conversion event has been renamed to identify the Quiz result when the lead arrives at RD Station.
That way, as soon as they take the Quiz, leads are sent to RD Station and enter a completely personalized nurturing flow that uses the Quiz result to recommend related content.
Freelancer Career Quiz Result for Super Freelancer Profile
Just to give you an idea, this email has a 64% open rate and a 39% click-through rate. Not bad for something so simple and it only took me a few minutes.
PS: Please test this step several times as well to make sure the automation is working properly.
Promote your Quiz
If you’ve followed all the steps above, tested cmb directory the Quiz thousands of times, and made sure everything works fine, it’s time to launch it!
All the work you’ve done so far will be in vain if you don’t promote it widely. So plan to promote the Quiz on all possible channels.
Here are some tips to promote your quiz and ensure maximum number of respondents.
On the blog
Write a blog post about it and place the quiz in the body of the text. This will make it easier for users to participate, as they don’t have to move to another page to answer the quiz and will increase the time spent on the site.
Also, secure a custom URL for your Quiz and set it up in Analytics to count blog traffic. You can send people directly to this link from a banner to your home page, without any middlemen.
On social media
Social media has no secrets: as the name of the Quiz speaks for itself, a short copy is enough to create curiosity.
Spread the word especially where this type of content tends to be more successful. Since it is lead generation material, you can even invest some money in Ads to improve your results.
We recommend asking your coworkers to like and comment on posts to increase organic reach . Here at Rock we have a communication channel to ask for this kind of help called #LikesExchange and it works really well!
And to further optimize your social results, opt for the 4×4 technique: distribute the Quiz four times a day, at different times and with different copies.
In the email
Since email is one of the main marketing channels, dissemination through it cannot be left out.
Choose a segmentation that has an affinity for your Quiz and create an email with a short and strong CTA to spread the word about your Quiz.
In our case, we sent the Quiz to the segmentation that had already downloaded material with the word freelance. The result was a 29% opening rate and 6% clicks, totaling a 20% CTR (metric of people who opened the email and clicked on the link).
Additionally, the following week we sent the same email to the same segmentation , excluding who had opened the previous email and changing only the subject of the message.
This helped us reach over 600 people who had not previously interacted with the Quiz. And when it comes to numbers, every individual counts.