Last winter, during record rainfall in San Francisco, I woke up to a miniature river running past my house. To find out why, I turned to YouTube, where I soon learned how a sump pump worked and why mine had stopped.
As I watched, I discovered all the products I would need to prevent another flood. By the following week, my garage was fully stocked with supplies to keep my house dry.
I’m not the only one who has purchased something after seeing it on YouTube
Seventy-five percent of people surveyed say that advertising on YouTube videos makes them more aware of new brands or products, while 70% of them say they purchased a brand as a result of seeing it on YouTube.
While it’s no news that consumers are seamlessly teacher database moving across channels to find the products and services they need, the result of this shift is that video now influences every path. That video has become an integral part of consumers’ purchasing decisions, making it a powerful driver of advertisers’ results.
My team and I find time and time again that in order to convert leads and reinforce brand awareness, marketers need a media strategy that encompasses multiple goals from the start — a full-funnel YouTube strategy.
►These three brands, representing three different
what are fake influencers? verticals and regions, show how to take this approach.
In the end, this custom campaign structure led to a 54% increase in conversion rates. Additionally, 50% of the retailer’s reach across both campaigns was incremental, capturing views that would have been lost with a single awareness campaign.
A 2021 Google study found that, on average, YouTube full-funnel advertisers see their awareness campaigns generate 75% more incremental reach than their action campaigns.
►Boost sales while expanding reach
Entel, Chile’s largest telecommunications company, set the bar high for its Cyber Monday sales. Like Nike, the brand needed to build awareness of the event in the days leading up to it and meet its ambitious seasonal sales goals. Instead of relying on action formats alone, it decided to
contact lists maximize its reach with a full-funnel strategy. Within a week, it was able to reach over 5 million users and achieve a high cost per user 66% lower than the benchmark, all while generating over 600 additional sales.
Our research has shown that advertisers who ran
Action campaigns and then adopted two or more CPM brand advertising formats generated an average 9% lift in conversions.
Entel’s success shows that marketers focused on achieving aggressive short-term sales goals can still take a long-term view when it comes to generating leads. Following this campaign, searches for “entel cibernético” increased by more than 200% year-over-year.