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What does language-based communication look like in practice?

Many companies have now realiz that new marketing measures can be implemen using voice search. Examples of how voice search can be us come primarily from B2C.

The website sendmeasample.net, for example, works with the reward principle. The process is extremely simple. The user receives free samples language-bas communication of their favorite brands. All they have to do is ask their voice assistant to do this by asking “Send me a sample.” The user is thus enticed to interact and receives a “reward” for doing so.

An example from the fashion chain C&A shows how language-base user behavior can be further develop: The company uses Dynamic Voice Activat Ads to combine language and online shop. The whole thing is implement with a bc data america special language-bas communication advertisement. It reacts to language and interacts with the user. The customer can communicate with the ad as follows: “Hello C&A, show me a different outfit.” The ad changes accordingly and, for example, new items of clothing appear. A link to the online shop makes it possible to buy the products directly.

What speaks against Alexa and Co.?

Anyone who deals with voice-based search also what is a heatmap and why should websites use it? comes into contact with negative side effects. The biggest obstacles to voice search are poor voice recognition and concerns about data protection. In a survey by Statista, 78% of users said that the language-based communication software’s sometimes error-prone voice recognition speaks against using the voice assistant. And 62% of respondents cited data protection concerns as a negative argument.



Opinions about voice assistants vary. And it is colombia business directory becoming more and more popular. This is demonstrated by the increasing number of users – now and in the future. And this will have an impact on B2B online marketing. Reason enough to look into the new form of search.

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