If you think of influencers primarily as advertising various lifestyle products from B2C, you are of course right. Influencer marketing has changed marketing. Reason enough to take a closer look at the opportunities this marketing measure offers in the B2B sector. Hype or real opportunity In this article, we show what is important and what influencer marketing looks like in B2B.
In online marketing, especially in B2C, the importance of influencers continues to grow. Influencers are basically private individuals who express their opinion on products via social media or blogs – usually for a fee. Hype or real opportunity This recommendation marketing has revolutionized marketing. Thanks to digitalization and social networks, our access to knowledge and to various products is almost unlimited. In order not loan database to drown in this abundance of information, consumers are increasingly being influenced by consumer recommendations from their environment or from opinion leaders, the influencers. And that is entirely understandable: we trust those who recommend something to us. The we talk about how superhuman effectiveness of influencers is particularly successful in the B2C sector. But it also works in B2B. Here, however, you have to break away from certain B2C mechanisms.
Influencers in B2B? Yes, but different!
Influencers in B2C are particularly characterized by their role model function and the way they present themselves. Accordingly, Hype or real opportunity they market products that fit their image and subject area. Things are different in B2B. Here, it is about products that require explanation and rely on industry-specific know-how and colombia business directory technological tools and machines. While a B2C influencer campaign brings the product to followers in an emotional way, the focus in B2B is on the facts. Nevertheless, emotions play an important role here. In B2B, too, people make decisions that they want to be enthusiastic about and addressed on a personal level. We have already looked at the topic in more general terms in our blog articles “Influencer Marketing: B2B Online Marketing Hype” and “Influencer Marketing Isn’t for B2B Brands” .