So you see that for regular community members it is mainly about the contact between people and only then about the topic of conversation. “Function follows Social” you could say. In contrast to many advertising agencies with their slogan: “we connect people with your brand” you help people connect with each other with a community and you intertwine that relationship with your brand.
Function Follows Social, Jeroen Heydendael
Function follows Social: the relationship is more important than the topic of conversation
People like to talk to like-mind people, if the topic of a community becomes too big, create subcommunities around that greece telegram data topic. This is also a great opportunity to brand these subcommunities. For example, see the WNF group within the Zoom community where it is mainly about nature photography. Another good example are the new Spotify channels with the Soundrop app where you can subscribe to music streams and also see other interest parties via the Facebook integration.
Invest in your superfans
A successful community nes only a small number of active fans, because they often produce more than half of all answers to questions. According to Jakob Nielsen, the structure of community members is as follows:
90% lurkers: these people read, but do not actively contribute to the community.
9% fans: have active contributions every now and then.
1% superfans: these are the ones who post
A the most by far, it seems like they have nothing else to do! Superfans can become ambassadors for your brand. They are respect in the community and listen to. They can carry the community and take it further.
Superfans are not just there. They are not golden eggs that you collect, you have to hatch them: build a relationship, involve them in your activities, ask for their opinion. When you have just start your community, appoint a number of fans who A common topic stand out positively at that moment: for example because they contribute a lot, have a lot of good answers or are follow a lot. These are the fans you are going to jiangsu mobile phone number list invest in. Make sure that everyone involv in community management in your organization knows who the superfans are and how to deal with them.“Everyone the limits of shared hosting and alternatives wants to meet us and I think, I’m just a sixteen-year-old girl, what’s so special about .